Thursday, August 15, 2024


Hello, We got our first apple CSA today. Feels exciting to get them so close to our home. Delivery is a bit more than a mile away from the house. The apples look good. We will get them every week. We should be well supplied. We do not get the vegetable CSA because we have enough from the gardens around here. Will the food coop, where we usually buy our apples, notice that we are not getting them from the store? It is good to give this store some business as many of its sources for food are local. It seems there are always choices and the results have more than one effect on the outcome. We did not water plants at church today because we had about 3/4th of an inch of rain or half an inch depending on which rain gauge you consulted. We got more later in the day so it was a good reason to pass up that job. After the new tai chi/meditation class, I feel so relaxed that it is almost hard to drive home. What a good deal except when I get on the interstate with all of the other vehicles speeding by. One thing about not walking to church is I have very few steps recorded. 10000 may be too far for today, but I will add some more. The fifteen pound watermelon that we bought is getting close to the finish line. It is always a sad day when the summer season is over with all of its great produce. But the apples will go on for a while yet. Our neighbor told us that he saw six racoons in our yard early this morning. He also saw a large hawk go after the rooster and hen across the street. The hawk missed. Wildlife in the city. Paula

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