Friday, August 23, 2024


Hello, There were great predictions for a serious number of cicadas this year. One of those17 year phenomenon. Apparently, there were a lot, but not just in our neighborhood. Now finally, cicadas can be head singing or rasping their song. Mostly, it is necessary to be outside to hear them. On our walks, we find some are lying on the sidewalk as they have died. There are few fireflies. Too many street lights interfere with their ability to see their own flashing lights and they are not surviving so well in the city. They are missed. And how does that lack of insects change our world? I suspect it is important. This morning, I got 9000 steps before eleven am. I will admit to being tired. I had walk to my physical therapy appointment which is probably about half a mile away. Came home and then set off on the mile to church to water those flowers one more. Someone was also needed to debone chicken, but I did not volunteer as I felt rather tired already. When I was ready to leave church, I met a delivery man struggling to haul boxes up the stairs. “There is an elevator,” I said. “Oh no one has ever told me.” he said, “Where is it?” “I will take you there.” I assured him. He was impressed with the size as he said, “This is a big elevator.” For him that meant he could get his cart and all the boxes inside. Paula

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