Monday, August 19, 2024

How long to walk

Hello, I walked to church this morning to water flowers. After a short break sitting a little and getting some water to drink, I set off with Leroy to the library to return a DVD. Leroy had been at church counting the Sunday offering. It is a good thing he is doing that and not me since I switch numbers around from time to time. At the library we simply returned the DVD and started back home. I will admit to being a little tired by the time we got home. I had also hung out laundry before I left the house and then took it in after a snack. Then we compared step totals. It seemed I should have a lot more steps than Leroy, however that was not true. I was ahead in the game, but not by so very much. How does that happen since he was sitting so much of the time while I was moving around? I am more ahead now because I went to the store and got some more food. Leroy took a nap instead. It would not surprise me if he got steps while he was sleeping. We had watched the DVD before, but I had forgotten. I just wanted a comedy so I could laugh. I liked this movie, but did not really laugh much but it is rather ironic. It is Moving On. Now if I could just remember what I have already seen. I find comedy rather illusive. Some other people might think it is funny and I do not. Paula

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