Saturday, August 10, 2024

Can that be true

Hello, Yesterday my visit with the eye doctor confirmed that my vision is not as good as it was after the cataract surgery. I am looking through scar tissue. For me to get that vision back I will have an additional simple surgery. That will happen in September. I had noticed that Leroy could read a sign farther away that I could, but I had no clue what was happening. Could I have dry eyes, I wondered. I also noticed that I had more trouble reading especially for a long period of time. Guess I am glad to find out the reason and that there is a solution. The procedure should be simple, but I do need a ride. I suppose I will have to be a little careful afterwards. Last evening we finally got the beans stripped so they can produce again. Some of them were a bit mature. Still, we were able to give away three plastic grocery bags to different people on the way home. I was happy about that. We still had one bag and ate some of them at noon today. They were ok, but not my favorite green bean. Today, the humaine society had a pet festival for people who have some trouble getting to a vet. They did a check up and provided some pet supplies. There were a lot of dogs there with just a few cats visible. It was held in the neighborhood next to ours.

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