Saturday, March 27, 2021

Tax Papers Gone



This morning we drove across town to sign our tax papers and pay the accountant. Leroy works Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. I worked Monday, Thursday, and Friday. It is a struggle to find a time when we can both meet someone during the week.


At least some of our children think we pay too much for this tax service. It does come to a bigger bill than I thought we would ever pay for such assistance. However, I find that peace of mind makes it worth it. After all, some probably spend much more for cigarettes or alcohol in the course of a year than we paid this person. Before this Leroy often or usually did it himself, but he worked himself into quite a frenzy doing it. So, it is freeing to be able to pass it on to someone else. Isn’t that feeling what others are seeking in smoking and drinking? This is cheaper and without side effects.


It is my fault that Leroy did it for all those years. When we first got married, I was upset to learn that he had someone do his taxes. I always did my own, but they were very simple. We started doing them together; soon finding that was not an area where we could work well together. Somehow, it became Leroy’s task and point of pride. After ordination the tax questions became much harder, but he still did it. I no longer even know how to do them. Certainly I like the idea of the Slovak method where it is just paid and that is that without so much input from payees.


This year we had a refund from both the Federal and State. I personally like to pay so that means we can get the benefit of the money until it needs to be paid. It is a bit of a trick to find that right amount so it can all happen without penalty. Maybe next year will be closer.



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