Tuesday, March 30, 2021

No Backup Camera



Four days ago, confidently approached the garage door at an angle, put the care in reverse, and gasped because I was looking at a blank screen instead of a view behind the car. “How can I back up? What do I do?”


Even after shifting in and out of reverse no picture came back to me only this gray screen that did not help. My self talk went like this, “You can do this. You learned to drive this way almost sixty years ago. Good heavens! Can it be that long ago? I still have two years to go. I have backed up without camera assistance for probably fifty-five years.”


I managed to back up, but it was a stretch of my neck that is no longer ordinary. Once in the garage again the reverse was checked with no improvement even after restarting the car. I even cleaned off the camera, but did not restart the car. I wailed to Leroy, “The backup camera did not work. It showed only a blank screen!”


“I will call tomorrow,” Leroy assured me.


Since that was Saturday our car repair place was not open. I drove the car Monday morning and my valued camera was back. Was it what I might have wiped off, or is some repair just waiting for another day to fail?


For now I am driving on faith in the mechanical item that has served me so well and quickly become a valued and trusted part of my driving experience.



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