Saturday, March 6, 2021

Outside kind of day



I hung out our sheets and pillowcases. What a wonderful smell when I brought them in. It did require boots to get them on the line. Leroy and I did it as a partnership job with care taken to make sure they were not going to reach the snow under the line. I also prepared the sheets in the house so that they were ready to flop over the line. My mother would always do that on cold days. She had not option, but to dry clothes outside or on the racks in the house. It was a very cold day indeed when they did not get out at all. Overalls would freeze stiff. It was great to see that.


Leroy and I took a walk to pick up a prescription for him and took the long, long way home. It was so great to be out. I took another walk later while he rode the bike. My ears do not like the wind blowing in I just walked in the sun. He did comment that it was a little cold and he needs to toughen up his seat because he has biked so little this year.


One indoor treat was our zoom meeting with friends from seminary days. It is so great to visit and actually see people. I remember in the long ago past hearing about phone calls that would include our faces and found that unappealing as I was sure I did not want to be seen. Would I have to dress up to answer the phone, maybe comb my hair? What a bother! I am now grateful for this technology.



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