Sunday, March 14, 2021

Sunday Squirrel Day



The squirrels seem to be more ready for day light saving time that we are. They are getting up earlier and earlier but that is governed by the sun and its arrival each day. It is great to see them in the trees at the second floor level.


This afternoon I looked out in the backyard to see a squirrel rolling around on the side walk and then going off onto the grass. It was acting very oddly indeed. Leroy came to see it and declared, “It looks like it might have fallen and broken its back or have a hurt leg.”


I went down to get a closer look from the back porch. It tried to stand up but just collapsed and rolled some more. I called my downstairs friend to come see. He was concerned about rabies, but agreed it was acting more like an injury. That was confirmed when we got close enough to see the side of its face which looked quite damaged. Speculation was that perhaps a car had hit it.


We had a discussion about what to do. Death would be a kindness, but how to achieve that? In the meantime he gave the squirrel some water as well as sunflower seeds which it did eat. He then told us that his wife had learned something we could do. He did not explain and we did not ask, but I no longer see the squirrel. My heart just went out to this poor injured creature.



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