Sunday, July 21, 2024

The Best Of Summer

Hello, The best of summer according to Leroy: corn on the cob, green beans, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, and any other fresh produce. We are eating “high on the hog”. No hog, but many plants that are sun ripened and promptly eaten. It is a wonderful time. We have been given corn, purple cabbage, green beans, colorful carrots, and tomorrow some tomatoes. What gifts! Our refrigerator is full. The trick is to eat it all before it spoils. We have given some away and might give away more. Leroy is happy. He was also given some stamps. There were many in this collection that he can use because they are in better shape than the ones in his collection. There are lots of good feelings in the room. While in Cardiff, Wales we heard a men’s chorus practicing. It was wonderful.
One photo is that group and they also took a picture of our group.
Most of us attended that event. Paula

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