Monday, July 29, 2024

Neighborhood Fungi

Hello, We saw this beautiful white ball mushroom or fungus on a neighbor’s lawn. Yesterday we saw a number of them on a lawn, but there someone had attack them perhaps with a stick. There were white balls that had been knocked off the stems. That saddened me. I liked looking at them. At least today both of the fungi were still intact and looked good.
I happened to glance out the window as I was making the bed. I saw a young man, riding a bike, stop in the middle of the street, get off the bike and inspect it a bit. Then he picked the bicycle up and heaved it at the side of the road. As it landed the front wheel snapped off along with a part I could not identify. He then turned the bike over on its handle bars, retrieved the wheel and tried to fit it back on. That did not work so he threw the wheel. At that point he went pack to the bike and fiddled with back tire. Whatever he tried to do was unsuccessful. He then picked up the bike and threw it next to the curb. After we had lunch, I suggested we go look at it to see if it would be worth giving to a place that repairs bikes and gives them away. The bike was gone, but a neighbor was mowing the lawn so I stopped and asked him about it. He said someone who lives in his house wondered if they could use parts to repair their own bike. He also added that if that did not work, they would take it to the place that shares bikes. I was glad to hear that there was a bit of a positive ending. I prayed for the angry man. Paula

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