Up at the crack of dawn, soon dawn will not have cracked before we get up, we exercised a little (Leroy), wrote a little (Paula), ate breakfast (cantaloupe, oatmeal, banana, blueberries, milk, a bit of granola), had devotions, and headed off to church where we cleaned up after our Kenya talk the previous night. It was an all new show with pictures that I had taken when I returned to be with Sarah and Lexi as they moved back to the US. Eighty-seven pictures seemed like a lot to cover in an hour so with a conscious effort the last picture was seen only half an hour from the first. What to do now? A wireless connection to the Internet made it possible to view more pictures. There are many more pictures to choose from. Also there was time for questions.
At the church the frozen food in the freezer that had been left from the big RAGBRAI bash was loaded in the car. The food was going to an organization that supports people with physical and emotional handicaps. A connection with my neighbor who works there, made this possible.
Next a stop at the local food pantry was on the list. Leroy is to get a ceiling repaired and needed to see what was involved. A sack of donations to the cause and a tour of the facility completed the outing.
At the end of the day Leroy said, “I am a little down.”
“What do we do for fun?” I wondered. Fun seems to be low on our list of priorities.
“I know, let’s go the park, start a fire, sit around it, and enjoy the evening. The night was clear, cool, and calm. Spirits lifted with the smoke floating up to the molted sky. All sticks burned leaving the home yard pristine. Egg cartons are great fire starters and not recyclable, hence they were piling up in the garage because this great pyrotechnique tool cannot be thrown cavalierly in the garbage. There is a much smaller stack today. Now that fits the practical soul, relaxation and something of value happened.
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