Friday, August 21, 2009

More info on feelings

I just wanted to be sure that you understood that I am ashamed about some of those feelings. After all how could a nice person like me have them? But I suspect we all have a bit of the darker side. I am over it and have moved on.
Some people who stayed have sent nice thank you notes and I do appreciate that. Also it was fun to meet the guy who hunted on the land that is my home farm. Who would have guessed that anyone would have a connection with my past? He did not hunt there until after my parents sold the farm, but he knew my brother and one of my cousins.
Now school kids walk past the house. Recess noises filter in through the window. A little grief comes to the forefront, but I do not want to sub so I let those feelings roll through me. Now I know that I will have to find something more to do. However, my children call.
November we will be in MN because Leroy has continuing Ed. October we go to SLC to babysit while Miriam and Andy are gone. September I go to D.C. to help Sarah and Stephen move. In December I go to MN to babysit while Brian and Jen are gone. Who has time for a real job? Not me. Life always has some give and take if I can just go with the priorities.
I canned a few tomatoes today, five pints. It was a bit more than we could eat just now. There are more tomatoes on the vines so we can still eat tomorrow. The five peppers are growing slowly. I hope they make it before frost. Course I will pick them before that since I do not believe it hurts to eat a green pepper green. Basil is growing beautifully. Every time I see it I tell it how much I like it.


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