After deciding that it was silly to go to the theatre and sit in two separate movies, we checked out two movies from the library. Why two, just in case we did not like one. The first was so unappealing that we only watched about 15 minutes. The second was better, but just barely or we were not in the mood.
Last night Leroy said he would watch The Proposal with me and forgo the new Harry Potter film. Amazingly enough we both enjoyed the film and laughed in more than one spot. I figure laughing or crying is the sign of a successful story. I would not go to Harry Potter, but Leroy tried my choice how is that for sacrifice.
I walked to yoga about a mile away. It was just a light rain on the way there, but the return trip rain was a downpour with strong wind. My shoes were wet as well as my legs by the time I walked the three blocks to the church so I could ride home with Leroy. I was going to wait for him, but instead I got in the car on my way past and drove home. That meant I went back from him when it was time.
Plans to brag about how much we use our legs in a day changed. Last yoga day I rode the bike about 8 miles and walked six miles. Leroy walked or rode the bike nine miles. That total of 17 miles not on the car is great, but it just takes a good rainstorm to get us to cry uncle. Rain stops us more quickly than snow. We don’t like being wet.
Maintenance for the car seems to have been necessary. Brake pads were replaced as well as shock absorbers. We like to have brakes that work. Tires were rotated as well. Leroy feels good about it all so that is what matters especially since the car has stopped making funny noise.
We were gifted with more cucumbers, hot peppers, one green pepper, tomatoes, and grapes. Also got some plastic bags. I do not get them from the store, but use them for garbage and the supply was low. Blessings are in full measure, pressed down and running over. Why worry? Even the little things come.
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