Thursday, March 22, 2012

More Lost and Found

Cedar Rapids, IA


Sunday, Leroy and I took some time off to walk and look for the closest access to the bike trail. We knew the general direction that we must travel, however we did not find until after we had asked five different people. The first three people vaguely knew that there was such a trail, but only the general direction or it is over that way. The fourth person gave most specific streets to follow, however one was the wrong street. The last person we asked only lived about two blocks away, but he was also new to the area having moved there last month. After such a long circuitous route Leroy and I just looked at the spot and returned home which we found easily.

I found a check, from the insurance company, that had been issued in August. They had warned us earlier that it must be cashed or else eliminated. Leroy vaguely remembers telling them we could not find it. I tried to call to check anyway, but could not get through to a live person before I lost patience and decided to trust Leroy’s memory.

In this yard we found a pair of clothes line poles with one line I washed clothes assuming the load would fit. When we have more time we will put up more lines. We have spare lines as we have strung them from trees or fences. I found the existing line to be incredibly dirty, perhaps never been used in years? It took a bit of muscle power and a few trips back and forth before it would not rub black stuff off on the clothes. It is great because we have a front loading washing machine here. The clothes come out incredibly dry. I am so happy to have the poles again after being without for four years.

Sarah sent me this great site for checking the distance of a walk. It is simply  I used it last night to map our walk to church. It calculates that one would walk three mph. We can easily walk that fast so we knew how much time to allow. Wonderful what one can learn at the click of a few buttons.


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