Friday, March 2, 2012


Ely, IA


Leroy and I made plans for me to pick him up early after work so we could head on up to Brian’s house. Now at 11 am it is snowing quite a lot. We are to get 1-2 inches. Brian thinks we are fussbudgets. I suppose we have to accept the label because I really do not like the looks of the snow out there. It is to stop snowing here just about the time we leave. Then it is to start in Clear Lake (about half way) and continue until 9:00. I really prefer to drive when the sun is shining gently down. Seems to me I already have enough excitement and plenty of change in my life.

When we were younger we headed out without thinking much about the weather consequences of our actions. With age we are weighted down with dire possibilities. If we only had to drive for an hour it would not be such a problem, even two hours would seem so much more doable. Four driving hours and a bit more are much more daunting.

We will make a decision when it is time to leave.

I had been agitated about something else a while back and it has turned out to be a good thing.

You might recall that we had a water kettle that broke. A water kettle is a fast boiling electric teakettle. Because it was close to the time we were leaving Burlington, I had them send the replacement to Miriam’s house. I grumbled about hauling it around with us.

It has been hauled around quite a lot, but I am no longer grumbling. It is not large so it fits in the car. It has been wonderful to have it with us. Leroy and I like to drink tea. Miriam does not have a teakettle so it was easy to heat our tea water in this water kettle. We missed the teapot, managed not to focus on that, but be grateful for the quick supply of boiling water. Now in this place we are again using the water kettle to heat our tea water. Blessings come and stick to us.


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