Ely, IA
This is the last day we will stay in Ely. Is that a sure thing? I have had that same thought 11.5 years ago. I truly do not know the path that I am traveling in this life. The message is that it is ok not to know, but to be faithful.
Yesterday, I packed up most everything that we could live without for two days. It filled the car and then a bit more in the second car. Either I did not pack as carefully as Leroy does or we have attracted more things.
One full car is now parked in the “new” garage waiting for tomorrow when we come and unload those items as well as the rest of the things that we are so sure we want for the rest of the imaginable future.
Today I thought I would just rest, but instead spent some time dusting, vacuuming, and washing bedding. Leroy went to work a little early so we can get those final things loaded and head off to the south where our things are stored.
Leroy’s sister is not feeling well so we will not stay with her, but with friends. Before we get settled for the night we have to fetch the bike carrier from storage, drive up to Pat’s house, collect the bikes where they have been graciously stored in their garage, collect four small plants, and look for that pair of pants that Leroy has not seen for a long time. His last option is that he might have left then at his sister’s house.
It will be later than we like when all of these things are completed. We will get up promptly in the morning because u-haul opens at 8 and we would like to be first in line. Filling out paperwork takes some time. It will be easy, right?
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