Monday, March 12, 2012


Ely, IA


I realize from responses I got from you that I was unclear in the last letter. The following sentence was not the most precise: “As with going to Burlington, it is again moving to a city that we are somewhat familiar with.” Burlington is Leroy’s home town, consequently when we moved there it was with some familiarity of the place. Now we will be moving our things from storage in Burlington to Cedar Rapids. While we have never lived in Cedar Rapids, we spent a bit of time there because it is where we did most of our business. We first moved to Ely in 1984 when it was a town of 450 persons. Now it has mushroomed into almost 2000 people. There still are not many services in town so it is necessary to go to Cedar Rapids. Leroy is working in Cedar Rapids now. Because the main museum building was so damaged by flood in 2008, he is working in a different building than he will be later in the year.

What I really need is an editor. It all made sense to me. Leroy used to look over my writing before I sent it off, but that has not happened for years. He is a good editor, much better than I am.

Like an addict I keep going back to the unoptimistic weather prediction for Saturday’s move. It is now to be thunderstorms upgraded from showers. Originally it was for just one city and now it is for both the packing and the unpacking. Goan!

It will all be well, right? It is only stuff and not my life that will melt in the rain. Stuff is replaceable; I just don’t want to do that.


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