Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Found Items

Ely, IA


Last week I complained that I could not find a black sock. Dashing my self acclaimed powers of finding the lost, Leroy was able to find that sock with just one quick look around. Also last week Sarah sent a picture of a pair of socks that they found under their bed. Now I had just completely given up on that pair, assuming that they would never be in my possession again.

There are still some other lost items; one is that pair of pants that Leroy likes so well along with a flannel shirt that he would have liked to wear in the recent cooler weather. When we finally get moved there is hope that those two items will just appear.

Leroy discovered the radio does not work in the most recently repaired car. After checking the fuse and finding it good he was stymied until he mentioned it to Miriam who suggested that it might need a code to get it to run after the power has been off. We both vaguely remember something about a code, but what is it? We have both looked in the car to see if it were recorded in some out of the way place. Then it was on to the papers in the car. No luck. There is still hope that it will be in the file cabinet that we will once again have in our home after we move.

I did have an interview for the library job in town here, but will not know the result until later in the week or next week. I know there were other applicants. I would both like the job and know that I could easily live without it. I felt that I did as well as I could during the interview, but do not feel assured that the job is mine for the taking. The one drawback is that I would have to drive here after we move. It is not so far, but a job down the street would be ideal.


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