Sunday, August 13, 2023

No Umbrellas

Hello, Leaving the house for church, we had a discussion about taking umbrellas. Rain was predicted, but only a chance and it seemed it would be done when we wanted to walk home. After the meeting at church, we walked out to a bit of rain reminding us that weather predictions are just predictions and not control of the wind currents. If it were less than a mile home we might have just headed out. Instead, we went back in church to accost someone for a ride. We did ask one person who lives farther in our direction. Her husband was not ready. While we were visiting, someone else came up and asked if we wanted a ride. They also go in our direction. Because they were ready to leave, we switched. It is great to get a ride when we need it, but I am sorry we did not bring our umbrellas as it was a nice walking rain. Those umbrellas just seemed heavy. Last night we went to a city park that has many flowers. It was great to walk around there. We saw a woman and her daughter turning cartwheels and taking pictures while in the air. We did not attempt those types of pictures or maneuvers. Just sedate stop and looking pictures.

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