Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Nap or Not

Hello, I have started to take naps. I wonder is something wrong, but I feel fine, however I do seem to wake up several times a night. I would like to sleep for a longer stretch of time, but have not figured out how to do that at night. Yesterday, we had our neighborhood gathering. It was disappointing that only three people came, but glad someone did. In the past when we hosted, quite a few more people attended. Our neighbors are mostly newer now, perhaps that makes the difference. It was quite comfortable to sit outside and we had a nice visit with those who were here. Leroy said it was more effort to ride his bike to work and then to come home was hard because it was so hot. Hopefully, today was better. At least it is a nice temperature outside. I saw a nice cucumber in the community garden on my walk to church. I did not want to carry it around that much, but planned to get it on the way home. I searched high and low among those leaves, but could not find that cucumber. Hoping someone came and picked it otherwise it will be quite large. Leroy does not eat so many sweets. Someone at work handed out a dessert that was quite rich. He felt quite awful when he came home. Paula

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