Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Community Garden

Hello, With the recent rains the garden has flourished, both the edible and the inedible. Last night Leroy and I went to pull some weeds. It was quite satisfying because they pulled so easily except for one lamb’s quarter that was enormous. Its roots extended farther than our small spade could manage. Leroy thought it would require a large shovel. We filled and dumped several buckets, clearing a nice amount of territory. Another neighbor came and helped. She commented, “I like to weed. And I was free tonight.” It was a great help for us. We always are more energetic when there are other helpers. Plus, some drops of rain started to fall. She thought it looked like a bigger storm coming so offered us a ride home. We gathered equipment, emptied buckets and got in her car. It was raining more by the time we got home. But not so much that it was still easy to get to the garage and unload things as well as get in the back porch. Probably about that time the rain was pouring down, backed with quite a bit of wind. What a gift to be home. I think we would have been about half way home when the strong stuff came if we had not had the ride. I went back today and pulled more weeds as well as picked large cucumbers. There were probably more hidden in the leaves, but I was getting tired. Also, I did not want to carry more weight home. I will go tomorrow and pick kale and take it to a place where produce is shared. I can look at that time for more cucumbers. I also did not look at the green beans because I did not want to deal with them. Paula

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