Saturday, August 5, 2023

Handing out Produce

Hello, Yesterday, Leroy and I stopped at the garden on the way home from watering at church. I found the cucumber that I had missed before and a few more besides. We picked green beans as well as a few tomatoes. We hoped to give away some of this bounty on the way home. As we walked along, someone yelled, “Left!” I looked back saw this bicycle bearing down on us, dashed to the side, and realized he was coming at me. I almost got a foot from the sidewalk, thinking I would get behind one of the legs of the swing set since he was still coming. He managed to stop without hitting either of us. I apologized saying I had trouble with left and right. Much later I realized I did go right. The usual protocol around here is for bikes to keep left and you announce, “On your left.” As you go around. However, on a quiet street such as this the bike should be riding in the street. We talked a little, and I asked, “Would you like a cucumber?” “I would like a fourth. Do you have a knife?” he wondered. We ended up breaking one of them and he promptly ate it. He did not want anything else. We gave away two to a neighbor on a porch. Another man was walking towards us. He was glad to take some cucumbers. I fished around the broken one and told why it was broken. His response to that was, “Who would do that? Just take a small amount of one?” We had a good laugh about that. The larger tomato had blossom end rot, but he said he would take that too. He knew what to do with it because in his country he had gardened with his mom. Leroy asked, “What country is that?” “Zimbabwe.” He replied. We chatted some more. He certainly seemed like a nice guy. Paula

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