Sunday, July 12, 2020

Sunday Work?


I have strong feelings about not working on Sunday. There are times when it is harder to hold to ones principles. I washed and hung out clothes today. My excuse? It was a nice day. Yesterday I had wanted to wash and hang two loads, but the predicted storms convinced me to only do one load. That did work well and all clothes got dry outside before the rains moved in. We needed some clean clothes that were in the second load so I did them, wishing that no one could see that I was working.

This afternoon I picked black raspberries, probably for the last time this season. We only pick every other day and today is the designated day. The weather was also very nice with highs in the 80’s and not 90’s as it frequently has been. The bottom of my bucket was covered plus a little more when I was finished. There are not many berries left on the plants so I am not going to get geared up for that walk in the wild for just a handful.

Does reading count as work? Not usually, but for some it might be more work than pleasure. I did read a very good article about the children’s author, Sandy Boynton, as well as one about cows having best friends. Months ago I read one about trees helping each other.  Also if a tree is stressed and endangered it produces many more seeds. I believe the seed comment when seeing the amount of seeds the close by ash tree is producing this year. I keep sweeping up the sidewalk so we do not track so many in the house. But no sweeping today because, it is Sunday.


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