Sunday, July 26, 2020

Driving to Work


Now, it takes more thought and time for me to get to work. There is street construction in my neighborhood. I was using a particular alternate route, but they worked on a different spot so it did not get where I needed to go. More than once I have headed out the door and up the street only to realize I would have change course. In another place they are working on an exit ramp that I use, but then I just drive farther so that is much easier to make it come out right if I forget about it in advance.

The other day on the interstate, I waited for the cars on my left to move on so I could come into that lane. I put on the turn signal and started in, glanced in the rearview mirror and saw a motorcycle zooming up. I stopped turning, moved back into the lane I was just in, only to see him come over with me. I then moved into the left lane and he stayed where he was but passed me very quickly. I don’t know if he realized how it seemed so unsafe to me, but he waved as he went past. I could see him darting across all three lanes, going much faster than the rest of the traffic. It seemed strange that he was wearing a helmet. There is no helmet law in Iowa and most motorcycle drivers do not wear them. Maybe he felt the helmet protected him a bit, but I am sure his speed and lane changing did not. I was grateful that I had not hit him and he could fly on a bit farther.

Luckily most drives are not filled with so much drama.

Leroy and I picked the third of three cabbages today. They have all been nice tight heads with no cabbage worms, however slugs found them. We also took the netting off the garden. It was a bit of a struggle because some of the vines had grown into the netting.


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