Saturday, July 25, 2020

Found the Lost?


Leroy and I had only walked about three blocks when we spotted a cell phone and woman’s type wallet lying in the grass. The wallet was long and looked almost like a purse, but smaller. These things may have a name, I do not know it. They looked so neat as if someone had left them there on purpose, but what purpose? At six o’clock in the morning there was no one else around. We thought about leaving them there and calling the non emergency police number, however I did not have my phone as I usually do not. Leroy had decided to leave his at home as well. I picked up the two items and flipped open the unsecured wallet to see cards in there. There was a zipper part which was unzipped. That had money in it and Leroy noticed a driver’s license. I did not want to touch things very much so did not see to whom it might belong.

We turned around and walked back home where we left the phone and wallet on the bench in the back porch.

Leroy looked in his phone, unable to find that non emergency number. I looked in the home phone, no luck. My cell also did not have it. We were sure we had that number in one phone, but no. So we turned on the computer and found it there. Leroy called and gave them the information. They did go through a series of Covid questions for us.

After a bit Leroy suggested we put our name on our door so they would know which one was ours. I dutifully made a sign, walked down the steps, opened the door, and was startled to see a police woman already looking at the things. She apologized for not knocking, but stated she did not want to wake anyone up. I did not have a mask on and neither did she. I stood back a little way, but the way we were situated it was hard to do that. I told her how we had found it and that I was glad to see she was wearing gloves. I told her I washed my hands very well after bringing it home. She was also surprised at the neatness that the items were arranged and that the money had been left. I was happy to pass off the job of finding and contacting the owner to someone else. How does one contact a person who has lost their cell phone if it is the only phone they have?


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