Friday, July 10, 2020

Bugs in the House?


True confession: I have found some bugs in the house. When we brought home the raspberries we found some of those unwelcome Japanese beetles in the bucket as we were washing the berries. I thought we were very careful and took all outside to meet a violent foot stomp death. Two days ago I pulled back the quilt on our bed and found one of those critters. I carefully scooped it up in my hands, took it outside and stomped on it. This morning I took the quilt off the bed so I would get the sheets washed. Oh no, there was another bug it met a similar fate as its relatives. Before I was done I found another one on the sheet. It must not have touched us because it too was under the quilt. This one seemed dead so I put it in the wastebasket, picked up the receptacle, went outside, turned the wastebasket upside down on the porch prepared to step on it, but did not see it. Worse than oh no! I do not want those things populating around my house. I hang my sheets out to dry. When getting them off the line I found five of those bugs on the sheets. I got rid of them, but called Leroy to come help inspect before they came in the house. We think we are good, but I saw one of those larger black ants in the bedroom. I smashed it with my fingers. My new name could be insect killer. I am grateful for screens on the windows which stop some of these critters. Leroy commented lovely encouraging words, “They could be even riding into the house on our clothes.”

We picked a head of cabbage today. There were three slugs on it. Never have we had slugs on our things before. What attracts them? The head is not so large, cut nice and compact. It will be on the menu tonight.


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