Tuesday, July 14, 2020

In the Neighborhood

This afternoon I had time to take a nice long walk. Because it was so sunny and a bit hot I stayed in the park which has beautiful tall old trees. On the way home I walked along the side walk, but danced from side to side depending on the amount of shade. As I was going along, I realized that a car was driving across a lawn, reached the sidewalk, turned a bit and came rather easily onto the street. Their speed was fine so I suspect they have done this maneuver before. As the woman made a sharp right turn she waved and called out hello as she went past me. Perhaps she could see astonishment on my face and the greeting was to reassure me that everything was fine.

About five minutes later I saw the same car. She stopped at a stop sign I was approaching to cross the street. Then she quite pleasantly told me, “I have lost my husband. He is riding a red lawn mower. The only one I have seen is that green one.” That statement was accomplished with a point at the one that was close to us.

I assured her I had not seen a red lawn mower either. Then I felt compelled to tell her, “I was walking back and forth across the street so I could use all the shade I could find.”

There is something about being out and available for people to visit with. I must look quite approachable in my long sleeved shirt and sun hat that do not particularly match or look very uptown.


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