Wednesday, June 12, 2024

So Many Opinions

Hello. I went to the dentist this morning. After, the hygienist cleans, he always checks for this and that. I told him about the bubble or cyst that has been appearing and disappearing on the roof of my mouth. I had seen an ear, nose, and throat specialist about this, but it was not visible the day I saw her. Since it comes and goes, she thought it was probably not necessary to do a biopsy, especially since this is a difficult place. The dentist had a possible diagnosis for this condition. That is a plugged saliva gland. He also said, “If it hangs around for three or more days, call and I will take a look.” This apparently has been weighting me down because I feel so relieved. That two people think it is not cancer. Because of my white blood count, I am seeing a hematologist/oncologist who did not find anything, but still wanted to see me again. There is so much cancer in my maternal side of the family that it is not taken lightly. I am pleased to live in a place where there are some good health care workers just a short distance from my house. Leroy and I got out suitcases today and started to put some things in. I keep gathering my clothes because I might be hot and then I might be cold. Once in a while I think about our refugee family coming with one small suitcase for three of them. Leroy and I are trying to take just one check in bag, but we each have a carry-on bag plus a personal item. We people in the United States are loaded down with baggage. Does it help or hinder? Paula

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