Tuesday, June 11, 2024

How Many Appointments

Hello, Yesterday I had a doctor appointment in the morning. Then in the afternoon, we had a home visit that comes about because of our insurance company. We basically checked out ok on all fronts. I had high blood pressure at both visits. The “White coat” syndrome is down pat. I’m a good learner. Our memory of some words was also tested. We both passed. Nice to know that not everything is falling apart even though we no longer in the same condition as when we were in our twenties. I have a dentist appointment tomorrow morning. The reminder calls are a necessity since this had slipped my mind. Perhaps that is because we are leaving on a trip in just three days. Tonight, we are going to an organ concert. Thursday the day before we leave, we are going to luncheon at church. Seems to me more days are getting booked. We still water the flowers at church. There were five geraniums left after Pentecost. No one tended to them. One of the other people, who has a great interest in the flowers said, “Let’s plant them and see what happens.” I thought that was being overly optimistic. However, they all have a fresh growth of tiny green leaves. Paula

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