Sunday, June 9, 2024

Official Retirement

Hello, Leroy is officially retired. On Saturday, his first day off, he made a trip to the museum. Is this going to be a pattern? Probably not. He accidently threw away part of a tea strainer and wanted to get there before they threw out the garbage. He had to go when they were open because he no longer has any work keys. On Friday, his coworkers had a nice lunch for him and I was invited to attend. He was gifted with a couple things. One was a t-shirt; the other was a color changing tea mug. We tried the mug this morning. It was rather amazing what was revealed when it had a hot liquid in it. Maybe we are easy to amaze.
I did not have him work too hard yesterday, but the future is coming. We need to deliver more newsletters in the five days remaining before we go on our trip. The timing of our two trips means we will miss some of the rehearsals for the choir trip. Hopefully we are getting it all in our brains so we can just pull it out. Paula

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