Leroy was out early to shovel snow. I was still doing laundry so he did the major part by himself. He pronounced it slippery under the snow, but we continued to clear the five or six inches off the sidewalk, hoping no one would slip on what was left. We were lucky because the sun came out this afternoon and dried off the wet and melted the icy spots. The sidewalk in front of the house looks great and safe.
I was so happy that I did not have to work today so there was no concern about the road condition.
Leroy will be walking to church tonight. I envy him a little as it is a great excuse to walk. I did not get to many steps so I went out this afternoon; however it was icy in many spots prompting me to cut that short. Also the wind was bitterly cold. Leroy has some tracks things that he attaches to his boost. He will wear them tonight. The temperature is dropping and I do not think people who could not shovel this morning will be able to tonight as it is quite solid in some places.
I invited a friend to come share rhubarb/mulberry crisp. In honor of her visit, I put in a little more sugar than I usually would. It seemed quite sweet to me.
It was quite fine to have the oven going. The room/apartment is nicely warm, but opening the oven door when the baking is done lets a luxurious amount of heat envelop the room. When I grew up we had a wood burning cook stove as well as a wood burning furnace. We were always warm, but there was something about having that stove working in the kitchen that warmed the soul.
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