Monday, November 18, 2019

More on the Stolen


In response to the comments from some of you, I thought I should offer some more explanation. I too think it was quite remarkable that the police found my things. However, I think they had a little help from the secretary because she immediately thought it was a particular person when she learned of it. I heard her tell the custodian about it. We have many homeless people who come to the church Sunday morning for coffee and treats. Now as another person in the church told me, we often think of them first when something goes missing, but it could be just anyone who walks in off the streets. I did wonder about the secretary talking about this person in particular, although she knows many of them since she visits with them frequently. Later, when I called her to let her know my things had been returned, she mumbled something about the bathroom and shoes. I believe she was also able to give somewhat of a description of those shoes. When the police gave me the case number they accidently gave me two pencil notes with more of a description of what the woman was wearing as well as her name and a common Sunday meal site. The police did tell me they were almost positive when they saw the pink swoosh on the shoes.

I said, “When someone takes shoes and wears them, they probably need them. She could have kept them. I am just happy to get my keys, hat and bag back.” I did not press charges.

In our church we give away coats, hats, mittens, and we even have an Undie Sunday when we donate underwear. How do people living on the edge get shoes that fit? I don’t believe that supplying everything is the best way to go, but I do not know how to change the current paradigm without harming people. I wonder too as the economic shifts in the advantage of the rich and the poor gets wider and wider, will there be more and more theft as people struggle to survive.

It is so ironic that I got back these things of little economic value and nothing was ever found of Leroy’s two bikes that were stolen. One of them was taken from outside church by someone who knew what they were doing.


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