Friday, November 8, 2019

Cold but Good


This afternoon I delivered more newsletters. There is only a little left for Leroy and I to finish tomorrow afternoon. It is supposed to be a bit warmer then which fits Leroy’s hands better. He has such a time with cold hands. He feels it is because of frost bite when he was much younger. It did not bother me to get a big chunk of this job done. I even visited with two of the neighbors. They live about four blocks away, but they are still in the group. One guy was mowing his lawn and bagging the leaves. He said, “I will take this mulch to my cabin and mulch things there. I do like to use everything. I am a retired biologist.”

I was glad to hear that the leaves were going to be used. They are not thrown away. The city here uses them as well. If the leaves are at the curb a truck with a vacuum comes to suck them up and take them to the city compost pile. That is a great service to the citizens and the earth.

Because it was below 19 degrees this morning, Leroy drove to work. This is not starting off as a good fall/winter to ride his bike.

Leroy remembered that we got some winter floor mats with the latest car purchase. Neither of us can remember where we put them. We both remember taking them out of the car, but then what? Leroy especially has looked in the most likely places with no luck. Will winter be over before we find them? Even though we have limited storage options we still seem to be able to hide things from ourselves. Some places just might be too creative.


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