Sunday, November 10, 2019

Finding the Lost


We took flashlights out to the garage to search for those floor mats. After all, it is hard to see a black item on a black surface. We even backed the cars out into the sunlight and shone the light more seriously in the garage parameter. No mats appeared.

Leroy dug deep into the closet in the computer room, no luck, but he did find some other things that he moved around.

We looked under beds. Leroy searched the attic but no mats came to light. Finally at the end of the day I went up to scan the attic. I found them in the first place I looked. Admittedly they were not in plain sight but under some other things including the canner. The lower position was to guarantee their flat shape.

Today Leroy cleaned the mats we are storing for the winter and vacuumed the floor of the car so it would be clean for a while. We stored the summer mats in the attic with both of us witnessing the storage place. Do you want to take bets on our ability to find them when we want to swap them out?

Yesterday we decided to take the dirtiest car to the car wash. When there we learned that there was a special with the $12 wash only $5. We promptly went back with the second car to take advantage of that great price. One of them still has some smashed bugs on the front, but we can live with that. Apparently it takes a bit more hands on scrubbing to eliminate those corpses.


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