Friday, March 2, 2018

Leroy's Health


Leroy just called to let me know that he has to have a squamous cell carcinoma removed. It had appeared, on his leg, close to the one he had before. For some reason both of us thought that it was not going to be a problem so Leroy is a bit annoyed. I am just happy that the Dr. thought it was enough of an abnormality to get a biopsy of it. The day after Easter is when the appointment is set.

Otherwise Leroy is in quite good health. He just got a new life insurance policy. He was able to get the best possible rating for his age because of his excellent health condition. We both got some long term health insurance. He also got a good rating for that, but I just got the standard rating. It is a bit annoying to me since I have always considered myself in better shape than he is. Course I tell him that if he were not married to me he would not be so well off. He never argues with that statement.

I need to get out and exercise more. I do some, but not consistently every day. Leroy is able to go to work by walking or riding his bike and that puts him in the upper level of activity. Unfortunately I need to drive to work most days, since it is 12 miles one way.

Leroy is talking about putting out some lettuce seed. I brought some home, but heard on the radio that we should perhaps wait until the end of March as the ground can be still frozen in many places. Perhaps here at the house it is warmer and we could cover it with a protective window or something. I would like some greens from the earth soon. The winter onions have a little bit of green color on them. Others have told me they have seen parsley looking green. Spring is coming.


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