Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Flower Beauty


The pink Christmas cactus is still blooming with five open blossoms and four more to come. The white plant has four buds coming, but they are a bit slow growing. Then the cyclamen has at least five open flowers with four or more to come.  The poinsettias are all displaying plenty of red leaves even though a few have fallen. The two impatient plants with one being white and one pink have not stopped sharing their wealth. I look at this beauty every day and it lifts my spirits.

Leroy rode the bike to work with the temperature outside at 22 degrees F. This afternoon it is in the low fifties. Just how comfortable will he be with that heavy coat, hat, and gloves? At this time of year it is a challenge to be dressed just right for all possibilities.

Me? It is much easier since I just get in the car which is insulated against all possible variations in the weather. Plus I can causally toss my too warm items on the seat where I do not need to think about them until I arrive at my destination. I try to remember to take them with me. We car users are so spoiled and seldom think about others who have to deal with all sorts of possibilities and changes in the daily weather scene.


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