Friday, March 30, 2018



I try to take my reusable bags into the store to avoid getting more store bags. Most of the time I am successful. However, usually I manage to get enough that I can put one in the kitchen wastebasket. Amazingly, this week I did not have a plastic bag that is the ordinary size from the grocery store. We do have a small supply in the garage so I had to go get one from there. I feel that I am winning when I can do this. One of the stores that I frequent often has marked down produce that I snatch up, take right home, and use. Consequently I am acquiring a number of smaller white paper bags with handles. I can use those in the bathroom wastebasket, but I get more than one a week or so it seems since my supply is growing.

It is not always easy to live life in a world where supply and demand make the perfect match.

For some that goes for sleep too. Leroy is home now taking a nap before we eat and then go to church. I am not sure how long he would sleep at night if he would be just allowed to go at it. As it is his naps sustain him through many evenings.

I went to a garage sale this morning since they advertized sleeping bags. Also it was almost on my way to the store. The bags looked fairly unused. However, this woman thought they were down filled bags. I felt them and disagreed so she looked at the label to learn that they were not. The brand was nothing special. I called Leroy to get his opinion and he said, “Do not get them. That is not a good brand.”

After I got home I went to that brand’s website. I was happy to have passed up this bargain as the bags did not cost much more new, than what she was charging.


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