Friday, January 6, 2017

New Discovery


It is Epiphany which means to be shown or to be revealed. Besides learning about Godly things, I found out this morning that a crowd free time to go shopping is early on a morning when the temperatures are -6 Fahrenheit or -21 Centigrade. Somehow people were convinced that something was not necessary. I could move about freely without considering whom I might be blocking. Cold weather does have some advantages; however I did not hang out clothes this morning.

Leroy chose to drive to church instead of walk. We are going to a house tonight that we have walked to in the past, but we will drive. Mostly it is because Leroy has not been feeling well for much of this week. He is fine now, but still tends to tire quickly. I did not argue about walking instead of driving. I like to brag about how cold it can be and we still walk with -10 F as my cut off point, but comfort is nice from time to time. I am grateful that we have these vehicles that work without a whimper.

I remember that on the farm we went out no matter how cold because the animals needed attention even more than when the weather was pleasant. Excuses did not apply when lifes depends on you.


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