Sunday, January 8, 2017

Cold Tales


Wednesday evening when I walked home from church in the windy cold a taxi driver saw me walk past, drove up beside me, asked me how far I had to go, and offered me a ride home. I declined, but felt pleased about the goodness of people.

This morning I walked to church once again in -6 F. temps and was amazed at how comfortable it felt. There was no wind and it seemed the air was dryer. On leaving church without my face covered in the warmer above zero temperature, I felt much colder with a wind blowing. It is all relative.

Yesterday Leroy went out to the garage only to discover that both garage doors were open. We think he had done that trick of pushing the wrong garage door button when he came home the night before. The good thing about the cold was that not many people are out walking around so nothing was taken. We lucked out again. We have both resolved to check the doors when pushing a button and leaving the garage. Do you think we can manage that?

In spite of the cold brother-in-law, Gerald came north to visit. It was quite good to see him again. We even made krumkake while he was here. He helped with the hottest part of the job which is rolling them after they come off the heat.

Because the cream purchase was more than was needed we will have to make them another day. Leroy is already planning on Wednesday when he will be home for a day of rest. Tonight Leroy walked to church so he can also enjoy walking in the cold even if it is above zero. Surely it will be balmy.


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