Saturday, January 28, 2017

Car Signal Light Works


When I came home from the women’s breakfast at church, I learned that Leroy had been unable to fix the turn signal. However the oil was changed and, according to the oil company, since we are using their proper filter it should be good for 20,000 miles or at the least 15,000. Amazing! I remember when an oil change happened so often that it seemed necessary all the time. I probably only drive this car 10,000 miles or less in a year’s time.

After I was home Leroy and our downstairs friend Clark, went out for a buddy fix on the light. Leroy said that it is now done. It has stopped working double time and only lighting the back. It was really a four hand job rather than a two hand job. Leroy let me feel how cold his hands were so I would appreciate the effort.

One of the best things about living here is that we can call on the people downstairs and they can call on us for assistance for a variety of tasks. It is also nice when we leave to know that someone is here keeping an eye on things as well as picking up mail.

We have lived in two other duplexes and this is top rated while the one in St. Paul is number two. We lived there while Leroy was in seminary. We got a lower rent rate because we did much of the maintence on the place. I often drove our landlady places because she did not drive. The third place was nice and situated almost in the woods even though it was in town. However while the neighbor was ok to talk to, we never really got beyond that.

Neighbors are a blessing indeed. Maybe when we leave here we should look to buy a duplex and find some nice old, but not too old, people to rent the rest to. Seems like a plan to me. But then we have probably at least two years to think of all types of alternatives.


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