Sometimes I feel that we sit on a heap
of technological riches and know nothing about them. Sometimes technology does
unexplainable things.
About a month or two ago the Bluetooth
between Leroy’s phone and the car stopped working. He swears he did nothing to
it to stop it. He fiddled with it; I fiddled with it to no avail. Course I know
nothing about it except to follow the instructions in the book that came with the
car. He took his phone off the list and started fresh without getting any
farther. The next step was talking with several people, younger people who have
a much tighter and happier connection with new technology than we do. None of
them was able to offer any step that solved the problem. It might have helped
if one of them actually touched the devices, but that did not happen.
Last night when I came home, I noticed
a voice mail on the phone. Leroy said, “One of those would be me.”
I wondered why he had called the house
and forgotten about it. The message just talked about checking to learn if
something worked.
“When I was in the car I noticed that I
had a connection with the Bluetooth. On looking deeper, there were no contacts
listed. I remember the home phone number so I called to see if it worked. It
did. When I got back to the contact list all my numbers were in there!” Leroy
There is no explanation for all of
this coming and going. Is someone pulling our chain? Right now we are just
happy that it all works once more.
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