Sunday, May 15, 2016

That Leroy


That Leroy has much of the energy in this house. I think of things to do, but if they are not on a list they do not get done. Even on a list I might not get around to it. It seems I just mention something to Leroy once and he is on it. For instance he delivered most of the neighborhood newsletters this month. I feel guilty about that because he is going to work in the community garden Monday and Tuesday evenings this week. Today, we, along with another neighbor, went seed and plant shopping for the community garden. There will be garden work to do. Leroy also contacted another couple in the neighborhood who have not worked on the garden before, but expressed interest. They are going to come help tomorrow night. That is progress.

Tonight we planted some more lettuce seed in our garden hoping that this will grow. We also planted one cabbage, one brussel sprout, and one kale plant. Then Leroy worked at getting some sticks and stakes so we could put netting around it hoping to keep out the large rabbit that seems to have taken up residency in our yard. It was a struggle, but we got something together for the short term.

In my neighborhood, apparently you must have the desired item to give away. People do not take just any old thing. I am proud of my neighbors.  Six mugs were presented to me as something I might put out for people to take. I set them out with a free sign on Thursday night. Only one of them has been selected. One more day and I will have to find another place to donate.

I am planning to dig up and put out some of my healthy vigorously taking over everything oregano. This is the second year for it and it has thrived. The Cuban oregano is struggling to hang onto the thread of life that it has. The cold and the squirrel were both hard on it. It is sending out many leaves on one of the broken stems so I have hope that it will make it. I do like that delicate plant.


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