I went to the community garden because
Leroy had noticed no one had picked any rhubarb. I got a nice amount, enough to
make a crisp. The oatmeal supply was slim indeed so the crisp turned into a new
invention with much more flour in it than is the usual case. I will know later
if it is good to eat or not. I expect Leroy and I will figure out some way to
make it good. Or will we just convince ourselves that it is good and eat it
anyway? I had a banana that I added to it as well as some strawberries. Seems
to me that ought to sweeten it along with the molasses I generously drizzled
over the top of the rhubarb before adding the rest of the experimental topping.
The dandelions looked so good that I
picked some more greens. I’m even wondering if I should freeze some for later.
In less than a week Leroy is going to get the garden tilled so I cannot get
more from there. I also picked some cilantro. It was quite fragrant. We had
thought the oregano was growing in the community garden, but I now wonder if it
is thyme instead. I wish I knew more about both of them. We do have oregano by
the house and the garden plant looks different. Looking at the ground up herbs
in a jar does not give a clue as to their normal appearance. I planted one
celery plant by the house and I will plant the other in the garden after it is
tilled. I produced these celery plants by cutting off the top of a stalk and
putting the bottom in water. They start sending up shots almost immediately. We
like the garden celery for cooking. It tends to be a bit strong and stringy so
I do not like to eat it raw. But then I am not a big fan of raw celery even
from the store.
I am reading a children’s book which
is about youth who opposed Hitler. I had not heard of this movement before. It is
called; We will not be Silent by Russell Freedman. Just in case any of you
might like to read it too.
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