Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Good Things


I had planned to write yesterday because I was home all day, but I just ended up living life. On my way home Monday evening the gas gauge on the car was registering empty even though the light had not come on. For some reason in this town gas is always cheaper on the west side. I took an alternate route home so I could go past a station that is usually cheaper. Instead of cheaper it was 15 cents higher per gallon. If I had a smart phone I could have checked there, but I was doing it the old fashioned way of just looking. I continued up this street because there are more stations. The next two stations also had that higher gas price. Had my world changed? The next station was cheaper, but only about five cents less than the stations in my neighborhood, however this was a good bit below the pricier ones so it now looked like a great price. At that point I called Leroy and said, “I am driving all over town and looking for cheap gas.”

He just laughed. I told him where I was so he could have some idea when I would be home. It took longer than I had expected because when I scanned my credit card it asked if I had a plus card. I had no idea so I scanned again hoping for a different prompt. Then I could not find a yes or no button to push. In disgust, I went into the station to ask for help. The person ahead of me in line was buying quite a number of items and visiting with the clerk. That took some time indeed. When it was my turn I learned that I needed to push the no button. I went back out to search for it only to see on the display that I should choose my gas type and fuel the car. Finally I got the job done. I had thought this car held 10 galleons, but I watched the numbers go past ten and eleven. I was impressed that I made it to the station before running out of gas.

When I got out of bed Tuesday morning I looked out and saw that all of the giveaway mugs in front of the house were gone. Happiness reigns.


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