Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Snowy Day


I like a snowy day when I am home and safe. I was out this morning when it started to snow. By the time I got home I was happy to see the garage and that I did not slip going into it. We have it cleared close to the garage, but the alley still has some serious hills of ice that we have not been able to extract. Leroy is at work so I will go out before he comes home to clear that crucial incline into the garage. I looked out the back when I had been home for a half hour or so and could no longer see my footprints. This is some serious fast snow. I would guess that it is two inches or more.

We are going to Brian’s on Friday. I am so grateful the snow is coming today. Roads should be clear in two days, especially the major roads.

Right now I am wearing sandals around the house. This is a pair I got at the Minnesota shoe store. They were on a good sale. Even though I was not looking for sandals a woman customer and the sales woman talked me into getting them. They fit me and according to them looked cute. I thought they looked a little old ladyish.  Generally I do not consider old lady a cute look, but I have to confess that I am not up on things. After all they were a great deal and they even fit me. The original cost was $245. And their mark down cost is $61. Going on the assumption that more money is more value, at that original cost my feet should love them, but I am not sure they do. For one thing they are cold without their usual wool socks. It also presses on the corn on my little toe, although not so much that it hurts, but I am aware of it. I do, from time to time soak my feet and file down that corn guess I should do that again. So far my Morton’s neuroma has not complained and that is my real concern. If I do not like or want these sandals the store will take them back for a full refund of the amount that I paid. But I must decide by Friday so I do not have to mail them.


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