Thursday, February 12, 2015

Dead Microwave


Wednesday night when I used the microwave it made quite a lot of noise and created a strong smell of burning plastic. Leroy came home at that moment and noticed the smell immediately. I tried running it one more time, but quickly turned it off declaring it done. We had purchased this machine on the 24th of February 1997. We believe that it has given about as much as could be expected for almost 18 years. The only problem is that I hardly know how to live without it. I use it every day. Before we got one, I was sure that I did not need such a luxury. How attitudes change! A new one is needed immediately.

Today at work a friend came to the library. Knowing that she has things at her place from other family members, I asked if she had a microwave to sell. She had one that she could loan us until we get a new one. How is that for a deal? Seems like the best to me since we do not know much of anything about the best one to buy. We are now talking size and power. How much is enough? We would like to have the minimum to meet our needs.

Yesterday I chopped and moved quite a lot of ice off the alley. Ice can be seriously heavy stuff. At one point I got the chopper under quite a large piece. I stepped on the handle, levering enough space to get my fingers under. The only problem was that I could not lift this piece and then I could not get my fingers out. I had to step on the handle again to give just that little bit of clearance. I had visions of being trapped in the alley with my fingers under this heavy chunk of ice. Luckily I had not slipped the chopper out before putting my fingers under.

Now I do not worry about getting stuck on those icy spots that are left because there is plenty of pavement for traction. It is much colder and it would have been quite a bit harder to take up ice today. I am so fortunate to have been home yesterday when the sun worked its magic warming the pavement loosening the ice sitting on it.


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