Sunday, February 22, 2015

Life is a mix


We went from a refreshing visit with friends to learn that at the same time our landlady was involved in a hit and run accident. She was not the one who ran, but still has some sympathy for the guy who did. She was not hurt, but her car is now in the shop waiting for some attention one way or another.

Our older car may be soon leaving us. It has a major problem that we will learn tomorrow if it is cost efficient to fix. Leroy and I are not the worlds enthusiastic car buyers. Both of us think it would be great if a car landed on our path with a sign that said, “I am just what you want for a fair price."

The car we truly want/need and a fair price are mysteries to us. Sometimes we know when we have a car that does not meet our needs, but not often. Prices are just vague ideas.

Happiness and sadness are often right next door. It is just a question of rolling with both or either. Sometimes it just takes a little longer to have downer situations get in their proper place. Happiness seems to climb aboard in short order.

Life and people can be full of surprises. I made a dish for supper that is called green rice. It has spinach and tofu in it. It could have been good for a non-tofu aficionado because the tofu was blended and added like cream.  Leroy was quite amazed that I even followed the recipe, except that I heated it in the skillet instead of the oven. I wanted it finished faster. We both liked it, but though it could use more flavoring. The left over portion will be subject to some experimentation. At the table Leroy added more pepper and then rosemary. Why he thought she would help I do not know.


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