Monday, February 9, 2015

Clean Phone


Once I got to work transferring the names on my phones it was not such a hard thing to just keep going and get it all done. It is good to go through the list and I checked the accuracy of some of the numbers so that was good. I also went through the calls list and eliminated all of them. Oh, and I got rid of all the messages in my in box and out box. Nice to have it so pristine! I tried to look through everything that might have some data that would be just mine. I am glad I found it so it can be passed on to someone who might need it in an emergency.

Leroy thought his wrist was a bit swollen this morning, but still not in such bad shape that he needs to see the doctor. That is good. He made it to church this morning without falling so that is good too.

I have a team meeting at work today which means I should go an hour early. To you think I can manage that change? The last time we had one I had a note on the table just as I do today, thought of it at 9:30 and then forgot about it. Today I have set a timer along with the note. How much help do I need?

Fastnachts will be served this Sunday to the church staff at an open house here. Because of the annual meeting we shortened the time of the gathering. I hope that it does not mean so many people all at once. We have managed with crowds in small spaces before, so surely we can do it again. The apartment at the seminary in Bratislava was much smaller, and this would be about that same number of people. I keep telling myself, “We can do this.”

I will work on Saturday, but not on Tuesday so there is no excuse for not getting the work done ahead of time, such as cleaning. One of the larger issues is that our chairs are not so good for large sized people. I am not sure how to handle that. The best might be to bring out the office chair.


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