Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Yesterday seemed the perfect time to sort through some pictures that I had been throwing on a pile after they had hung in the kitchen gallery on the refrigerator. After all it was hot and humid who would want to tackle something hard.

First I looked through these snapshots of beloved faces, then I put them in piles loosely related to subject, for example which granddaughter was in them. Well that was not too difficult but required some thinking for those with more than one granddaughter in it. There was only one photo album that had only a few pictures it so those were easy to remove. When the album was filled there was more than double that amount of shots that still needed a home. I long for photo sized boxes that could just hold a number of pictures that I do not have to organize too much. Such an easy task, but it is tough for the brain to put closure on it. I have just stacked the rest of the pictures back in the same spot they have resided in for about a year or two. When that room is packed they will sit in the box with the rest of the bookcase items. So much for making progress.

In the same spot I had Christmas cards from 2009; before I could talk myself out of it I put them in the recycle bin. Now I did keep a list of the names so I can still send out a card next year, however I often enjoy looking through last year’s cards and reading the letters. This year, it cannot happen. What a time saver that will be, hopefully not a joy divider. My memory will be a bit fuzzy, but maybe that is nice.

We do not yet know where we will be going when we leave here. I know some great place is waiting for us, but that has not been revealed.


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