Sunday, May 2, 2010

Feeling Low


Well the end is in sight. The congregation will be visiting with the candidate next Sunday. Then in two weeks they will vote. From this angle it seems that the vote will be to approve him.

Many people have been telling me how much we have meant to them. I appreciate that, but there is a lot of sadness about this. Then too it would be easier if there were some destination for us. Change is sometimes good, sometimes not and there is no clear view of what will be until we get there.

Leroy’s name has been put in to a congregation in western Minnesota, but there has been no response from them. Leroy did say that they did not want someone as experienced as he is. So does that mean nothing will happen? We do not have a clue. I claim no distress, “God will take care of us.” But the reality is that I am developing a tic in my eye. Could that be stress? Maybe it is better to admit fear and terror.

The following is just a report on things around the house. The Clivia has but three flowers left on it. Someone sent me internet info on how to propagate Clivia by saving seed. I might try to do that, but in the flurry of moving I am not sure how much of that I can take care of and more important find it after we are again settled.

On the bird front a robin has put a nest on the downspout on the garage. We can see this from the kitchen breakfast nook area. I have seen some heads reaching up for food, but can not determine how many are in residence.

A second nest is on the downspout of the second story. I have no clue as to the bird type that built that nest. It almost looks like a two story nest. Does that mean it was there last year and has been added to this year? Or was there a flaw in the first attempt requiring a second effort?


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